What is Semper Ref?

At Semper Ref we believe faith, life, and the Church are things which need regular refining, refreshing, and reforming by God through his word. The goal of Semper Ref is to provide a platform for articles that guide and encourage us to those ends.

While our editorial board is made up of ministers in the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), and most of what is found here is directed to continual reformation in that small part of God’s kingdom, we hope anyone following Jesus will be challenged, encouraged, and built up in the Faith passed down through the ages by what they find on this site.

In pursuing this we aim to provide content that upholds our calling to speak the truth in love and which honors the fullest understanding of the responsibilities embodied in the ninth commandment. The Westminster Larger Catechism aptly teaches that we are “to preserve and promote truth, the good name of our neighbor, as well as our own… defending it when required.”

You can read more about the rationale for our name here.