The Heidelberg Catechism On the Ascension

By the Editorial Team, May 27, 2022.

In the Church Calendar, yesterday was marked as the Feast of Ascension. The Ascension of Christ is one of the most neglected (or at least overlooked) doctrines of the Christian Church and many believers simply aren’t sure what to make of it. For that reason, we are sharing here the helpful summary statements of the Heidelberg Catechism, Questions and Answers 46-51. Additionally we’ve also reposted a brief pastoral reflection on the Ascension by David Cassidy as well as a deeper dive by Tim LeCroy. We pray these resources bless you in your understanding and worship of our ascended Lord.

Q & A 46

Q. What do you mean by saying, “He ascended to heaven”?

A. That Christ, while his disciples watched, was taken up from the earth into heaven1and remains there on our behalf2 until he comes again to judge the living and the dead.3

Luke 24:50-51Acts 1:9-11
Rom. 8:34Eph. 4:8-10Heb. 7:23-259:24
Acts 1:11

Q & A 47

Q. But isn’t Christ with us until the end of the world as he promised us?1

A. Christ is true human and true God. In his human nature Christ is not now on earth;2 but in his divinity, majesty, grace, and Spirit he is never absent from us.3

Matt. 28:20
Acts 1:9-113:19-21
Matt. 28:18-20John 14:16-19

Q & A 48

Q. If his humanity is not present wherever his divinity is, then aren’t the two natures of Christ separated from each other?

A. Certainly not. Since divinity is not limited and is present everywhere,1 it is evident that Christ’s divinity is surely beyond the bounds of the humanity that has been taken on, but at the same time his divinity is in and remains personally united to his humanity.2

Jer. 23:23-24Acts 7:48-49 (Isa. 66:1)
John 1:143:13Col. 2:9

Q & A 49

Q. How does Christ’s ascension to heaven benefit us?

A. First, he is our advocate in heaven in the presence of his Father.1 Second, we have our own flesh in heaven as a sure pledge that Christ our head will also take us, his members, up to himself.2 Third, he sends his Spirit to us on earth as a corresponding pledge.3 By the Spirit’s power we seek not earthly things but the things above, where Christ is, sitting at God’s right hand.4

Rom. 8:341 John 2:1
John 14:217:24Eph. 2:4-6
John 14:162 Cor. 1:21-225:5
Col. 3:1-4

Q & A 50

Q. Why the next words: “and is seated at the right hand of God”?

A. Because Christ ascended to heaven to show there that he is head of his church,1 the one through whom the Father rules all things.2

Eph. 1:20-23Col. 1:18
Matt. 28:18John 5:22-23

Q & A 51

Q. How does this glory of Christ our head benefit us?

A. First, through his Holy Spirit he pours out gifts from heaven upon us his members.1 Second, by his power he defends us and keeps us safe from all enemies.2

Acts 2:33Eph. 4:7-12
Ps. 110:1-2John 10:27-30Rev. 19:11-16

The Heidelberg Catechism questions, answers, and prooftext sourced from


Framing Doctrinal Disagreements - Part 1


Five Reasons Why the Ascension of Jesus Matters